Raffles Statue



Date: 19th century
Origins: Unknown
Category: Bronze
Dimensions: H. 67.5 cm, W. 46 cm
Classification: Sejarah


This statue is the brust of Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, British Lieutenant GOVERNOR in Java (1811-1816). Raffles initiated the development of a new building for the batavia Society at Jalan Majapahit no.3 (now, the Museum Nasional) to house the huge collection owned by this organization. His eager interest in many branches of science such as anthropology, history and archaeology led Raffles to support the Batavia Society of Arts and Sciences and, leter, to become a driector. Raffles is also knoen as the author of the famous book “The History of Java”. Raffles Issued policies such as:

– The division of Java into 16 residencies making it easier to control the territory;

– The establishment of a new judicial system;

– The prohibition of slavery; and

– The founding of the botanical garden in Bogor.